Heexy Translate API is an advanced translation solution that offers unlimited and free translation services for over 130 languages. Our API is designed to be simple and user-friendly, with powerful machine learning algorithms that provide highly accurate and contextually appropriate translations. With unrestricted access to our translation services and the absence of rate limits, our API is the perfect choice for your translation projects. Our API can be easily integrated into existing applications with minimal coding efforts.

Basic Info

Base URL for v1 is https://api.heexy.org/translate/v1/.

All endpoints have CORS enabled.

All endpoints return status code 400 on an invalid request, 500 on a server error, and 200 on success.

Available Endpoints

GET /listLanguages

Returns a JSON array containing all available languages.

Example Request:

GET /translate/v1/listLanguages

URL Parameters:

  • type - set to tts to show TTS languages

Example Response:

        "name": "English",
        "code": "en"

GET /translate

Returns JSON containing the translated text.

Example Request:

GET /translate/v1/translate?text=hello&from=en&to=fr

URL Parameters:

  • text - text to translate
  • from - source language (leave blank to auto-detect)
  • to - target language

Example Response:

    "result": "Bonjour"

GET /tts

Returns an MPEG audio file. This is limited to 200 characters due to file size. We recommend splitting larger text into multiple requests and then joining them into a single file.

Example Request:

GET /translate/v1/tts?lang=en&text=hello

URL Parameters:

  • text - text
  • lang - text language

Example Response:

GET /translate/v1/tts?lang=en&text=hello

Code Examples


You may or may not indicate that you use Heexy translate and provide a link to it, if you do so you will support us, if you are interested in working with Heexy please do not hesitate to contact us, here is a link to ways to contact us.

Note: Heexy takes no responsibility for anything when using the Heexy translate API.